
You will need PDF Reader to view these documents, if you do not have it please download from here

Please contact the school office if you wish to receive a paper copy of any of these policies free of charge.

Abusive or Threatening Visitors Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Acceptable Use of Internet/Technology Policy Please click here to download PDF
Accessibility Plan Please click here to download PDF
Admissions Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Anti Bullying Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Art Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Assessment Policy Please click here to download PDF
Attendance & Lateness Policy – pupils  Please click here to download PDF 
Behaviour Policy and Statement  Please click here to download PDF
Charges and Remissions Policy Please click here to download PDF
Child Protection Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Children with Health Care Needs who cannot Attend School Please click here to download PDF
Collective Worship Policy Please click here to download PDF
Complainants Leaflet Please click here to download PDF
Complaints Policy Please click here to download PDF
Curriculum Policy Please click here to download PDF
DBS Policy Please click here to download PDF
Design and Technology Please click here for Curriculum Statement
English Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Equality and Diversity  Please click here to download PDF
Geography Please click here for Curriculum Statement 
Gifted and Talented Policy Please click here to download PDF
Governors in School Policy Please click here to download PDF
Health & Safety Policy Please contact the School Office
Healthy Eating Policy Please click here to download PDF
History Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Homework Policy Please click here to download PDF
ICT Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Inclusion Policy Please click here to download PDF
Information Data and Access Policy Please click here to download PDF
Internet E-Safety Policy Please click here to download PDF
Internet E-Safety Information for Parents/Carers Please click here for link to E-Safety page 
Intimate Care and Toileting Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Maths Please click here for Curriculum Statement 
Mobile Phone & Smart Watch Acceptable Use Policy Please click here to download PDF
Music Please click here for Curriculum Statement
PE  Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Privacy Policies & Data Protection  Please see GDPR policies listed below
PSHE Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Publication Scheme Please click here for link to website Publication Scheme page 
Pupil Remote Learning Policy Please click here to download PDF
RE Please click here for Curriculum Statement
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Information Report  Please click here for link to SEND page
Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Policy  Please click here for link to SEND page 
Serial, Persistent and Unreasonable Complaints Policy Please click here to download PDF
Sun Protection Policy and sunscreen application request form  Please click here to download PDF and form 
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion policy  Please click here to download PDF
Recruitment & Selection Policy & Procedure  Please click here to download PDF
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Please click here to download PDF
Social Networking Safety Policy for Parents and Carers  Please click here to download PDF
Unavoidable Closure of School Guidance Please click here to download PDF
Uniform Policy Please click here to download PDF
Volunteers Policy  Please click here to download PDF
Website Accessibility Policy Please click here for link to Website Accessibility page
Website Privacy Policy Please click here for link to Website Privacy Policy page
Work Placements Policy  Please click here to download PDF 


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Volunteers Privacy Notice

Employee GDPR Privacy Notice

Recruitment Privacy Notice

Parent and Pupil Privacy Notice

Data Protection Policy